With another school year behind us and summer
well underway, these are often the months we get to spend with our friends and
family members. With that, I thought I’d
share a few thoughts. As usual, this
past year seemed to pass more quickly than the last – which always seems to be
the case. (I actually wrote about this in a previous post - I I knew how to link it here, I would.) While much of my writing is focused on
economic, financial, or philanthropic updates; this one will not. In fact, I’ll share with you now that this
article may be more of a self-serving recap of my own life and lessons learned
than most of you will care to hear, so don’t be ashamed to crumple it up and
toss it now; there will be no quiz.
A very dear friend and colleague,
Scott Farnsworth, shared in his book an analogy and a proverb that I’d like to
pass along...
For several centuries, the
library in Alexandria, Egypt was the crowned jewel of the
Western intellectual world. At its
height, it is estimated that it stored over 700,000 scrolls containing vast
knowledge and achievements including translations of the Bible from Hebrew to
Greek, the calculation of the shape and size of the earth, the creation of
geometry, and important advances in anatomy and science. The library stood for 300 years until a fire
destroyed much of it during Julius Caesar’s conquest in 48 B.C. Additional branches were destroyed during the
campaign of Aurelius in 272 A.D., as well as in 391 A.D. when the bishop of Alexandria had it burned
to the ground. It is staggering to
consider the loss of insights, knowledge, and wisdom that may have been lost
forever in the burning of this library.
As tragic as this loss may have been, similar losses are occurring every
day when any one of us, young or old, dies without sharing our accumulated
wisdom, values, and stories.
“When an
old person dies, it’s like a library burning down.”
Eastern Proverb
Three years ago, three very extensive libraries
in my life burnt to the ground, a fourth just a year prior. While some volumes of information have been
saved, surely much more has been lost.
With this came many cherished moments that I’ll treasure, as well as
several regrets that I’ll carry for the remainder of my life. That I’m sharing the stories of the passing
of all four of my grandparents within an 18 month period is not for pity, but
rather to inspire you to cherish your own family and every moment you’ll have
with them.
G'ma P with Maddox |
My paternal grandmother (“Grandma Ponsford”)
upgraded in September of 2008; she was 87.
Grandma Ponsford spent the majority of her life as a preacher’s wife;
and fit the mold perfectly - a wonderful cook and entertainer, behind the scene
implementer, event coordinator and relationship builder. She remembered all birthdays, anniversaries,
names, and while somewhat strict and disciplined, was never cross (at least not
to her perfect grandchildren). Her
health had been slipping and became clear that at 90, Grandpa’s ability to care
for and cover for her was declining. My
Dad and his two sisters were looking for a place that would be able to
accommodate her needs.
On a warm San
Diego day in early September, after looking at
potential places with her two daughters, Grandma expressed that she really
didn’t want to move. She felt she would
be fine and wanted to prove to them that she and Grandpa could continue on
their own. The next morning, she woke
up, got done up for the day, put on a favorite outfit, and suggested they go
out and do some shopping. They would see
just how well she would do… After a
couple hours, she was spent. Arriving at
home, she told her daughters that now she understood. She was not in good enough health to continue
without care. That night, they cried
together, told stories, and she began her good-byes. Grandma Ponsford never woke up.
G'pa P at our wedding |
As one would expect after nearly 70-years of
marriage, we were all very concerned about Grandpa. At 90, he was still driving (yikes!), active
with his church group (the “Fantastics”), but clearly dependent on Grandma. We weren’t sure how long he’d be able to
carry on. Since they lived in San Diego, I was
extremely fortunate to be able to begin spending more time with Grandpa. We made it a point to meet weekly for an
early breakfast. Here we discussed all
sorts of topics – some meaningless, some insightful. He told me about his days on the farm,
experiences in the ministry, friends he and Grandma had made, and lives they
had impacted. He often shared his
worldly wisdom; most relating to the importance of relationships and how to
treat people. One bit of wisdom,
however, did catch me a bit off-guard: “Ryan, one thing you must know about
getting old.” “What’s that Grandpa?” “You can’t trust your farts.” Ewww…
(Sorry!) Grandpa talked about all
the old people (most 10-20 years younger than him) complaining about their
ailments, slouching over, and forgetting the good parts about life. He made it a point to stand tall and share
something positive and reinforcing to someone every day. He admitted some were more challenging than
others, but stuck to the task. Over
time, the conversations became more and more about missing Grandma, and
wondering why God wouldn’t just take him to her. He told me he prayed for that nearly every
night. He wasn’t sure of his purpose
here. In hindsight, although I’m sure he
had no idea of the impact he would make, perhaps his purpose was those
breakfasts with me, perhaps lunches with someone else, but I know our time
spent will always be a cherished time in my life.
When Grandpa flew to visit his three kids, I got
to take him to the airport and escort him to the gate. (Times had changed a bit since he was
accustomed to flying.) In January of
2010, I took him to the airport when he went to see his daughter (Aunt Pat) in Idaho. Having recently lost the freedom of his car,
and with signs indicating he would soon be beyond the level of care he could
receive at his current location, being in the more constant care of Aunt Pat
seemed like the best decision. On the
trip to the airport, and as we waited in the terminal, we spoke about our
family, about the value of the time we’d been able to spend together, and that
while the world had changed around him, the premise and purpose had not. He was about to turn 92, and he felt like this
was a pretty good number. Sharp as ever,
but ready to move on, Grandpa left to join Grandma in February, less than two
weeks after arriving in Idaho.
Many have heard the stories about my maternal
grandparents, Ralph and Dotty Olson.
They were the song-singing, story-telling, dream-creating owners of
Akili the elephant. My brothers,
cousins, and even several childhood friends spent summers at their place in
Etna, CA bailing hay, scooping elephant droppings (more like mountains), laying
railroad tracks, performing for the town, working in their restaurant, hiking
Etna Creek, and whatever else they could come up with to keep us occupied. In 2008, Jen and I were very fortunate to
have Grandma and Grandpa O come and stay with us from Thanksgiving until Christmas. What a hoot to spend each evening hearing
stories, playing cards and interacting with wonderful grandparents. For Grandpa, his final few years had become
very difficult. He began to suffer from
a form of depression and anxiety that was difficult for him to escape. Always a big (really big!) project builder, I
think much was related to his frustration over his physical body’s no longer
being able to keep up with his mind and plans.
G'ma & G'pa O |
Shortly after their stay at our house, I began
to come to grips with the fact that they wouldn’t be here forever. I needed a way to capture as much of them as
possible. I talked to Grandpa Ralph
about a way to document his stories, sayings, memories, songs, and all else he
loved sharing with us. As a former professor
of linguistics, his preferred method was to write. We began a project called “Letters from
Grandpa.” I mailed him an initial series
of questions to get him thinking; then he would respond in a letter. He created a plan to send it to all the
grandkids along with a quiz question and prizes for those who would
respond. Unfortunately, we only got
through two letters before his health began to decline and he no longer felt up
to the task. In February of 2010 (when
Grandpa Ponsford passed), all three of my brothers and I would be in the same
place for the memorial service in San
Diego. Since
Grandpa Ralph hadn’t been doing too well, we thought we would try to figure a
way to all get to see him at the same time.
As “luck” would have it, my brother (a pilot) was asked to fly a client
down to San Diego
that same weekend. He would be empty on
the way back north, so the four of us (as well as my Dad) could fly up with him
and drive from there to see Grandpa Ralph.
G'pa O, WWII |
This chance to visit with him turned out to be
very meaningful. Although he was pretty
out of it the first day, the second day we were there he snapped into his old
self. We sang songs – camp songs and
countless hymns, told stories, and reminisced about all the wonderful
adventures we’d had. We all loaded into
the car and took a drive through the valley where he shared more stories about
the changes over the years. While we had
a wonderful time of bonding and sharing with each other, there was a looming
sadness about the realty of the situation.
This could very well be our final time together in this world. There was so much more to capture, to
download, to preserve. About a month
later, two days after the birth of our daughter, and a week before his 89th
birthday, Grandpa Ralph said goodbye with my uncle at his side. The family returned to Etna where we
celebrated his life through story and song.
With three of my four grandparents gone, only
Grandma Dotty remained. Far tougher than
nails, she was sure to have many good years left to enjoy with us. In May of that same year (2010), she made it
to Southern California to watch my cousin (her
granddaughter) on a tour stop of their dance program. She also made it to San Diego for the concert with our
quartet. We planned a family event for the
4th of July in Etna, a holiday that was always celebrated in our
family; a time to honor our military (Grandpa was WWII vet), celebrate our
freedom, and spend time as a family. (It
was also the day we celebrated Akili’s birthday.) As July approached, we were getting word from
those around Grandma that she didn’t seem to be feeling well. She was always very resistant to see a
doctor, but had actually gone several times in the past couple weeks. Although she refused many of the exams and
tests, they were clearly concerned. This
wasn’t good at all. Grandma had written
a book about her adventures in owning Akili, her elephant. I had offered to edit, format and take it
through publishing. (I had no idea what
this entailed.) I had started the
process, but was far from complete with the editing of a 200 page book written
in her style.
Me with G'ma O |
As we made our way north for the 4th,
we were getting constant updates and things seemed much worse than we had
anticipated. All of the family arrived
into Etna on the 2nd and surrounded her on July 3rd. She spent time with each of us, ensuring she
knew exactly who was there. I had pulled
together a version of her book. Not
published, but in somewhat of a final form.
As she would want, our entire family gathered with her that afternoon
and sang hymns, laughed and cried together.
We weren’t sure she’d make it though the day. At the time, we also weren’t aware of what
she’d written on the inside of her Bible on July 4th, 2001:
“July 4th,
Independence Day: Independence
from Life unto Death –
When my life here is
ended and I slip into the Great Beyond,
Still left behind will
be Dear Family and Friends who are not yet ready to come along,
My desire is that no one
will weep,
As I close my eyes for
the final sleep,
I’ve soared away to my
Heavenly Father – Loved ones and friends awaiting me there,
I too shall have no
worry or care;
I’ll be waiting for you
in this beautiful place – somewhere!
Please have a service –
just in happy memories we’ve shared.
Celebrate – Celebrate –
don’t carry burdens too heavy to bear
Have songs of Redemption
and Love, like Glorious Freedom, This World is not my Home, Leaning on the
Everlasting Arms, Jesus Loves Me;
Good scriptures, like
Psalms 64:8, 2 Timothy 4:7-8, Isaiah 43:18-19;
Sing another song!
Throw my ashes into the
wind, Sing, Smile, Laugh, and be Happy!”
Helen Schroeder Olson
also found out later that she had told a close friend earlier in the year that
she thought she’d go out on the 4th of July. That was always a favorite holiday and there
would be plenty of fireworks to celebrate.
The morning of the 4th, Grandma Dotty passed to join all the
others (including four of her five children and elephant).
While we lost nearly an entire
generation that year, the moments we were able to spend with each of them were
well beyond priceless. My breakfasts
with Grandpa Ponsford, letters from Grandpa O, and working through a book with
Grandma Dotty – each among the cherished moments of 2010. Going forward, my mission will include being
intentional about capturing and saving more of these stories and lessons for
our family as will as being a resource for others to do the same.
Many of us list “family” as one of
the most important things in life. Let’s
make it a point to pay special attention to listening
to those that have vast volumes of information stored in their mental
libraries. It’s easy to get bogged down
in work, life, materials, and all the other hoopla. Let’s focus on re-reading some of those
stories that our family has stored. Don’t
let your libraries burn down. You never
know, there may be additional chapters you’ve missed in the past!